Internet Devices

We offer portable internet terminal rentals for areas where internet coverage is non-existant.  The Inmarsat iSavi is an entry level device, intended for low usage, typically under 250 mb per month.  If your use exceeds 250 megabytes per month, a BGAN terminal, either the Cobham 510 or Hughes 9202 are a better choice.  

Canada Satellite offers a range of portable satellite Internet devices to keep you connected while on-the-go. When traveling to far off places where communication networks are non-existent, you can trust using a portable Internet satellite system to access voice and data capabilities from any location on Earth.

Coverage Area
Most of our portable satellite internet rental devices use the Inmarsat satellite network, which is made up of 3 satellites, one for the Americas, one for Europe and Africa and another for Asia and Australia. The service is not available north of the Arctic circle or south of the Antarctic circle. The satellites are in geo-stationary orbit, 35,786 kilometres above Earth's equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation. All satellite devices require line of sight to the satellite. If there are trees, mountains, buildings or any other obstructions between the device and satellite, the service will not work.

Permanent versus Portable Internet
Fixed satellite TV dishes mounted on a house is ideal as a permanent satellite solution. However, if you are leaving the comfort of your home and heading to a rural, remote or unstable region, your cellular smartphone will be inoperable without sufficient coverage.  A wireless Internet satellite device is a necessity if you need to be contactable and online but can’t rely on terrestrial networks. Providing global coverage, these compact units are robust and designed for easy mobility.

Buying and Renting Options
If you are a frequent traveler to isolated areas, purchasing your own portable internet satellite dish is a worthwhile personal investment. But a portable satellite Internet rental is more cost-effective if you need mobile satellite internet for seasonal or occasional use.

Portable Rentals
Canada Satellite has a great choice of portable Internet satellite systems available to rent for worldwide communications coverage.

Inmarsat iSavi Rentals
The Inmarsat iSavi is a portable and lightweight satellite Internet terminal that’s easy to use. It has low power consumption and a battery that can be recharged with an AC/DC adapter, vehicle or solar power charger.  When readying the satellite terminal, use the pointing assistance function to find Inmarsat's 3G satellite network. Once connected, the iSavi provides Wi-Fi access point features for authorized devices within 30 meters (100 feet).
• Rent the Inmarsat iSavi Wi-Fi Satellite Hotspot terminal or,
• The Inmarsat iSavi Wi-Fi Satellite Hotspot terminal with a satellite phone included (Iridium 9575 or 9555).

BGAN Rentals
The BGAN satellite Internet rentals include the Hughes 9202 BGAN unit (Iridium or Inmarsat network) and the Cobham Explorer 510 terminal (Inmarsat). Both are highly portable and compact with the Hughes being slightly bigger, yet the terminals are the same weight.
The Cobham 510’s ingress protection is rated IP 66, and voice and fax is transmitted via Wi-Fi or SIP using a connected app. It also has Wi-Fi and USB interfaces. The Hughes 9202 has an IP 55 ingress protection, transmits voice via RJ-11 (x2) and offers Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces.
The portable BGAN satellite bundles can be rented as stand-alone terminals or with a satellite phone included.

VSAT Rentals
VSAT is an economical alternative to using ground-based networks for communications in remote areas. VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) are satellite dishes with small antennas and a low block noise converter to receive the satellite signals. VSAT also supports Ku, Ka and C bands.
The VR7 1.2-meter auto pointing VSAT antenna with unlimited Internet use is available as a rental option through Canada Satellite. Perfect for vehicles, the VSAT dish can be mounted on any stationary or moving platform to access several stationary satellites. The self-aligning satellite provides online services like email, VPN, VoIP, and web.

With 1 Megabyte (MB) of data, you can:

- Download 50 text only emails
- Download 3 emails with photo attachments*
- Download 3.3 emails with Word, Excel or PDF attachments*
- Browse 5.5 web pages*
- Stream 2 minutes of music
- Post 2 social media updates with photos
- Download ¼ App / Game / Song

*size dependant

Category Questions

Internet device rentals start at $249 / month plus usage billed by MB.  Speeds are 3G, around 350kbps.  

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portable satellite internet rental, mobile satellite internet rental, satellite wifi hotspot rental, satellite internet rental, tags | portable satellite internet rental | mobile broadband satellite internet | rent satellite internet | bgan satellite rental | bgan satellite internet | bgan rental | bgan satellite terminal | bgan terminal | bgan Inmarsat

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