Phone Purchase Questions

I want to leave the phone on in my cabin and connect the remote antenna outside does the used one come with a remote antenna and cable, can I buy a longer cable ? Will the phone have a 905 area code or does that even matter? The phone does come with an auxiliary antenna, but it's meant for portable use, vehicle dashboard, etc. To get a set up for a cabin, you typically require 3 additional elements. A proper outdoor antenna, cable and a docking station, links below. The whole set up can easily add $1000 to the phone purchase. You can likely start without the docking station, but this will cause stress on the antenna adapter. We also have everything pre-owned, with warranty, for 30-35% less. As for the area code, Iridium has its own virtual country code, so all call to and from are long distance. There is a third party service which allows for north American numbers, more info at www. Post Purchase There's one thing that I can't test at the moment is to call another Iridium phone. For calling Canada and International we've dropped the 00, for calling another sat phone do we now just dial the 12 digits or do we have to use the 00? Calling another iridium phone would just be 8816-xxxx-xxxx without any exit code. The idea is that since both phones are in the same virtual country code, you can just dial direct. Please let me know if other questions come up


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